IYMP Brisbane perform at the Corporate Protection Australia (CPA) Group Stretch RAP Launch

Our deadly IYMP Brisbane participants were invited to perform at the Corporate Protection Australia (CPA) Group 2021 – 2023 Stretch RAP Launch on Thursday night.
After enjoying the performance at the IYMP Brisbane graduation ceremony last year, CPA Executive Chairman Harley Sparke invited the IYMP Brisbane participants to share their combined cultural performance at the CPA head office for their RAP Launch event.
Our combined cultural performance proudly showcases Aboriginal dances, inspired by our participants who come from over 20 different nations, as well as Torres Strait Islander dances from Mer (Murray Island) in the Eastern cluster of the Torres Strait. The performance also included a sit-down dance from the Torres Strait in which the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander performers came together for a combined dance. This last dance was certainly a crowd favourite and a great opportunity to share our culture with the CPA staff members who were all very eager to join in and dance alongside us.
Our charter to young First Australians is to help them “Dream…. Learn…. Lead” and especially be proud of their culture and their identity. Shout out to our IYMP Brisbane staff member Kyran Creed, as well as our IYMP Brisbane participant Douglas Odo for their hard work and dedication to helping organise this deadly performance.
We would also like to thank all of the IYMP Brisbane participants who performed and those who came to support them last night. We would like to extend thanks to the Preston Campbell Foundation for their deadly service and delicious food, our patron Aunty Lorraine Hatton and her husband Dave Hatton, and our stakeholders at Corporate Protection Australia for inviting our IYMP Brisbane participants to be a part of such a significant event. Thanks again to all involved!