Gebbie passes her Provisional Driving Test

Meet our deadly IYMP Townsville participant Gebbie China who has successfully completed her Provisional Driving Test in Townsville.
Gebbie began her IYMP journey in Townsville back in 2017 moving away from Darnley Island in order to gain the skills and qualifications that will allow her to find full time work in an area she enjoys. Gebbie has successfully completed qualifications in the Individual Support area and is now in the last phases of completing a Diploma in Community Services.
Gebbie has shown her family back home, as well as her IYMP family here in Townsville, that you can achieve your dreams and goals with love, respect, traditions, and support of those close to her. Gebbie continues to make us all at IYMP proud every day and has worked hard to be able to recently obtain her Provisional Drivers Licence, through driving lessons with a local driving school and the PCYC Braking the Cycle Program in Townsville.
Gebbie has been studying her Diploma fulltime, works every afternoon and up until recently was completing her driving lessons. Gebbie is a great role model in our IYMP accommodation and always there for our new students coming through. Gebbie is a great cook and always makes sure others are looked after with a good meal and is always open for a yarn when the other participants need.
The whole IYMP family are super proud of Gebbie and wish her all the best as she is preparing for her work placement and starts the next chapter of her journey with saving for her first car!